Posts Tagged ‘ xcode 4.0.2 ’

iPhone Tutorial Three – Simple Gesture Recognizer and Storyboard

iPhone Tutorial One — Introduction to Storyboarding
iPhone Tutorial Two — Combining UITabBarControllers, UITableViews and UINavigationControllers using Storyboard

Alright guys, it has been quite some time since I posted an iPhone tutorial. This one wont go too in depth, but it will show some simple Gesture Recognizer applications, while putting it all together in a functioning application that you could really use. I’ll start this off with a short reason as to what lead me to do this tutorial.

A friend of mine started up a blog with a friend of his about technology and how this technology is changing how we operate on a day-to-day basis. Their site is Hacking Humanity, and their information will be given at the bottom of this tutorial. Now I was really thinking of doing a tutorial that used the WordPress API, however I felt like doing an API tutorial, while some people are still in their infancy in learning Xcode 4.2 and Storyboarding, was a bad idea. So now, we will be creating a simple Web-based application that uses gesture controls instead of actual buttons. Now, you have to understand, this application will be using websites that are built for mobile platforms, hence there will be no need for horizontal scrolling, which is what makes these gestures useful.

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iPhone Tutorial One — Introduction to Storyboarding

Okay guys, well I figured I would start off my using of Xcode 4.2 with this blog post. I have never used Xcode 4.2 before this, so let us see how intuitive storyboarding really is. I am not going to go into detail of what “@property” and “@synthesize” are, I am assuming you already know basic coding. If enough people ask, I will explain everything.

So let’s start out with a Hello World application.

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